Friday, November 14, 2008

Journal #1: The Book Thief

In "The Book Thief", Death is portrayed as inhuman. However, when Death is travelling on Earth, he gains an understanding of a universal truth. It enters his thoughts when Liesel (the protagonist of his story) is observing her foster father for the first time. He makes a significant reference to "[t]he human child - so much cannier at times than the stupefyingly ponderous adult."

When Death observed this, I recognized it instantly as a stereotypical universal truth. There are many works of literature that exploit the widespread belief that children are blessed with an uncanny ability to sense or observe things that adults can not. It is because people everywhere are convinced of this fact that it is referred to as a universal truth. The reason that this is a very popular philosophy is simply because children, in their innocence, retain the invaluable ability to believe.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Costumes

In case you hadn't noticed, Halloween is coming up soon. Now, I don't know much about which costumes are the most popular, but I have seen some very creative ones in the past. If you have no idea what you are going to dress up as, here are some suggestions.

1. Superhero: There are many superheroes to choose from, as the collection of comic books and cartoons that revolve around superheroes is very extensive. While this would certainly not be an original costume, they can be easily found.

2. Wizard/Witch: Again, this is not a particularly creative costume, but if you are looking for a costume at the last minute, these costumes are sold almost everywhere. Being a wizard or a witch at least has a certain ghoulish effect, although witches tend to be more gruesome than wizards for some unearthly reason. For the wizards out there, you may find inspiration in the Lord of the Rings trilogy (Gandalf!).

3. Princess: This is oriented to the ladies who are seeking a costume. Many people choose this costume each year because it is easy to find. Another advantage to being a princess is that if you have a lovely dress, you only have to buy a crown. If you are unsure as to whether your dress is suitable, just watch one of the Disney movies starring a princess (and there are several).

4. Fairy Godmother: You don't see too many of these, but it should be fairly simple. All you need for this costume is a princess costume plus a magic wand, and voila! The fairy godmother is now ready to grant wishes. If you want inspiration, just watch Cinderella. (No, you don't have to look EXACTLY like the fairy godmother)

5. Hula Dancer: This costume is fairly easy to put together because of the popularity of Hawaiian birthday parties. You can find the accessories at almost any dollar store. However, you don't necessarily have to buy the whole costume. All you need is a skirt, a nice shirt, leis, flower bracelets, a garland (optional), and a pair of sandals (or flip flops), and you're ready.

6. Fairy: If you are enchanted by Tinkerbell, you may want to dress up as a fairy. Fairy costumes are fairly easy to find, and although I personally believe fairies are short (because I am short and they are not usually depicted as being tall), height & weight don't matter.

7. Pumpkin: I'm not sure how easy it is to find a pumpkin costume; however, I don't think it should be too challenging. Not many people dress up as pumpkins, so it qualifies as being somewhat original. No, people will not call you "fat" if you choose to wear a pumpkin costume.

8. Vampires: This costume is as close to a cliche as is possible for a costume. However, it is extremely easy to find because of its high level of popularity. You may find that several people you know have chosen to dress up as vampires. If that is the case, you may be able to "hang out" (mwahaha) with them.

9. Monsters: Another cliche costume; however, there is some variety in the monster category. You could be a ghoul, a werewolf, Frankestein, a ghost, a zombie... even create your own with a monster-like outfit and some face paint. This costume is particularly convenient if you are looking for both choice and quick finds.

10. Elf: This costume can be used by people of all sizes. There aren't many people who are brave enough to dress as an elf because it is seen as a "Christmassy" costume; however, you could give it a Lord of the Rings touch and go as Legolas or Galadriel. Either way, this costume would be highly creative.

11. Dwarf: I confess: this is for the short people out there (like me!). You can use this idea in 2 ways - you could be one of the famous dwarves from Snow White, or be inspired by the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Either way, this is another very original costume.

12. Cowpoke: This costume is slightly original, as it isn't one of the most popular costumes. It is fairly easy to assemble, as most people already have jeans. Western shirts are fairly easy to find, and so are cowboy hats. Although cowboy boots are recommended by some, they aren't entirely necessary. For a slightly different version of this costume, add some sheriff accessories.

13. Ninja: Whether you're looking for a "standard" ninja costume or you'd rather dress up as a Ninja Turtle, it's not hard to find one. While it may not be very creative, at least you can get them right up to the last minute.

14. Pirate: Arrgh! This costume is also easy to get. The popularity of this choice has ensured that you can find accessories for it almost everywhere - even London Drugs. If you've seen Peter Pan or Pirates of the Caribbean, you'll have some good ideas for your pirate costume.

15. Movie Character: Most of these costumes are popular, and therefore easy to find. You also have many choices if you decide to be a movie character. Many Disney classics have memorable character costumes, and many new releases do as well. The choices are endless!

16. Clown: This costume can be found very quickly due to its popularity and the frequency of its use. All you need is a clown wig, face paint, a red nose, and a clown costume. Being a clown can have its ghoulish side, too. Evil clowns are fashionable these days, at least in the movies. If you're looking for a quick & easy costume, this might be it.

17. Animal: There are some options in this choice, but they are slightly limited. Popular animal costumes include mouse, cat, dog, lion, monkey, bear... just about any animal that has legs. These are usually easy to find, so if you don't have much time to shop, you might want to consider dressing up as an animal.

18. Bandit: No, this is not the same as a ninja costume (although your basic ninja costume might be useful). At any rate, black is probably the best color for this particular costume. You must have the bandit mask, but other than that, the bandit is a good choice for an "open" costume. There is no standard bandit costume, so you can save money if you have a black outfit. This costume can be put together very quickly.

19. King: For the guys out there who think they're royalty, this is for you. Buying a king costume is fairly simple - all you really need is a crown and some royal robes, and you're basically set to go. Another advantage to this costume is that it's fairly simple (although perhaps a bit more difficult than I've made it seem) and easy to find.

20. Robot: This is a slightly more difficult costume to create because you'll probably have to make it yourself. But if you have cardboard boxes, paint, and (maybe) other funky accessories, you should be able to come up with a costume. However, I wouldn't recommend this one to any last-minute costume seekers unless you know exactly what you're doing and can get it done very quickly.

21. TV Characters: As with movie characters, there are many popular options and the costumes are easy to find. But this category includes characters like Sponge Bob who have their own TV show but might not be featured in a movie. Yes, I could have merged the 2 categories, but my list is slightly longer if I do them separately. Anyhow, these costumes are quick and convenient for anyone who is waiting until the last minute to get their costume.

22. Angel: If you are truly good at heart (and even if you aren't), this may be the costume for you. Although it's not exactly creative, its popularity ensures that you will be able to find it fairly easily. This costume should be found in stores until the very last minute, so if you haven't got a costume yet, you might be able to find it.

23. Devil: I don't know anyone who is truly evil, but this is still a pretty neat costume. True, the popularity of a devil costume has ruined its originality, but at least you have a good chance of finding it. Even if you start looking for a costume the day before Halloween, you'll probably be able to find a devil costume.

24. Knight: Although this used to be a fairly popular costume, its use has waned in recent years. However, you should still be able to find knight costumes in stores. I'm not sure if you'll be able to get one at the last minute, but it's worth a try. After all, a suit of armor makes a fairly noble costume.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Jeopardies of Unconcerned Nonchalance

1. The title of this blog entry is my rendition of the original title "The Perils of Indifference".

2. The events in "The Lottery" are shockingly similar to the unspeakable horrors of the Rwandan genocide. Just as the villagers refused to protest the lottery because it was an ancient tradition, so the people of the world denied that there was a genocide happening in Rwanda. And, like the villagers who refused for so many years to abolish the lottery, the world leaders did nothing for most of the duration of the Rwandan genocide. While the people in both situations were indifferent to the suffering around them, the deaths caused by their inactivity grew in numbers. Although there was eventually an end to the terrible genocide in Rwanda, there is no way of knowing if the villagers in "The Lottery" ever decided to abandon their senselessly violent tradition.

3. The words of Elie Wiesel relate to Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery". The people who lived in that small village would have done well to heed Weisel's warnings about indifference. It appears, however, that they can not escape its seduction - after all, it is so much easier to cast stones with the multitude than stand with the damned. For them, indifference is a way of life. Their neighbors, to them, "are of no consequence. And, therefore, their lives are meaningless." This is due in part to the fact that every year, for as long as they can remember, every person in their village participated in the lottery and, although they dreaded it, the villagers still allowed it to happen each year.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Review

Today, I am writing a review of the TV show Deal or No Deal. For those of you who are unacquainted with this program, Deal or No Deal is a show where contestants play for a potential top prize of $1 million. It is a contest of nerves, intuition, and risk. Each night, a contestant is faced with 26 cases which contain varying amounts of cash - ranging from a measly penny to the very desirable $1 000 000. The contestant, without knowing how much is in each case, randomly selects one in the hope that their case holds the million dollars. This is when the game really begins. The contestant must open a predetermined number of cases, after which time the mysterious Banker will offer to buy their case. The amount he offers them is based on the values of the cases that they have opened. Contestants can either take his offer (Deal) or test their luck by continuing on to the next round (No Deal). If they say "Deal", the game is over and they get to see how they would have done had they continued. If they say "No Deal", they have to open more cases before receiving another offer. The goal of the game is obviously to win the million dollars. This can be done either by choosing the million dollar case or by switching cases at the very end of the game.

Now I will give my honest review of the show. Deal or No Deal is very exciting and nerve-wracking. Like most game shows, Deal or No Deal is a family friendly program. If you enjoy games such as poker, you might find this program somewhat entertaining. However, as a game show, its prospects are rather limited. I would only recommend it if you prefer game shows; however, if you are intrigued by Deal or No Deal, you are certainly free to watch it. For those of you who would like to watch Deal or No Deal, look for it on NBC during prime time.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Top 3

Ms Searcy has challenged us to choose the top 3 of anything we want and justify our decisions. I have chosen to replace the extremely daunting topic of "anything" with the less difficult subject of characters from the Disney program "Winnie the Pooh".

I have created a specific criteria that will simultaneously help me with both the selection of the top 3 characters from the popular show "Winnie the Pooh" and my justification of my decision. My criteria is based on: i) how memorable the character is (fame); ii) level of humor; iii) amount (s)he is cherished.


I'm sure that anyone reading this is thinking, How on earth can Winnie the Pooh be outdone when he's the title character?! But I think you'll see my reasoning once you're done reading. Although he is one of the more memorable characters (in part because the show is named after him), he is lacking somewhat in humor. Most of his escapades have some level of humor to them, but usually the humor comes in part from the other characters he is with. However, he redeems himself in lovability because everyone has a soft spot in their hearts for that adorable bear known as Winnie the Pooh (or Pooh for short). If I was to give him a ranking on a scale of 1 to 10 for each category, he would get a 10 in fame because the show is, after all, named after him and he is the main character. He would get a 5 in humor (this is open to argument; I'm only an amateur here). Being perhaps the most beloved character, he would receive a 10 in this regard (as I'm sure Christopher Robin would agree).


Piglet is the 3rd character you think of when reminiscing about Winnie the Pooh, as he is Pooh's best friend. He is slightly more humorous than Pooh, mostly in the way he worries about everything. It is this overly cautious personality which earns him a place in our hearts. After all, with Pooh being so adventurous, someone has to say "Oh dear" when his escapades go somewhat awry. Supposing he were to be ranked in each category, he would get a 9 for fame, a 7 for humor, and a 10 for being one of the more endearing characters in the show.


TIGGER!!! (or, in his own words, T-i-double-guh-er)*
Anyone who has seen Winnie the Pooh would probably still remember him. Tigger is one of the funniest characters in the whole cast, and his carefree ways have upset Rabbit on several occasions. Almost everyone who ever watched Pooh and his friends will have fond memories of his hilarious antics. Ranking him in every category listed above would be as simple as saying he gets 10 out of 10 in all of them. It would be nearly impossible to find someone who is familiar with Winnie the Pooh that doesn't like Tigger.

*I sincerely apologize to Ms Searcy for the grammatically incorrect spelling of Tigger's name, but he simply doesn't care about insignificant trivialities like grammar. The only possible exception to this is his fascination with the word onomatopoeia.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Topics for Blogging About

The subject that I will be addressing today is what subjects are suitable for discussing in a blog. There are many topics that could be discussed, but some of the more general ones would be more appropriate given the fact that an entire English 12 class will be expected to write about them. Some interesting subjects we could discuss would include TV shows, novels, sports, movies, music, vehicles, and animals. If these blogs were to be marked, I think that the focus should be more on content and ideas than spelling and grammar. My reasons for this are that by grade 12, students are expected to have an extensive knowledge of the basic tenets of writing and the learning outcome for grade 12 should focus more on developing original ideas.

Friday, September 5, 2008

My Superpower

My first blog will be about a superpower that I would like to have. After spending several days deliberating between the many superpowers created by the modern media, I have decided that I would like to have the ability to fly! Flight is a power activated by jumping. You are then able to remain in the air for any length of time. If you wish to end flight, you must slowly descend until your feet touch the ground.

I have many reasons for wanting the power of flight. It has unlimited use, and the loss of flight is the result of either death or power abuse. Power abuse (as it pertains to flight) is the repetitive harassment of other flying projectiles, such as airplanes. My first reason for choosing the power of flight is that when you fall out of bed, your power is activated and you levitate until morning without having your sleep disturbed. You can save massive amounts of time because aerial traffic isn't nearly as congested as our roads. This power can be used on others if you hold hands with them and perform a synchronized jump. You can also use this for inanimate objects; however, you must carry the object(s) for the duration of your flight. Since you must carry any objects you wish to bring, they shall become weightless while you are in the air. The power of flight can also help you save money since you'll no longer need to use vehicles to arrive at your destination. In fact, you can use your power to make money by selling your vehicles and taking people on beautiful aerial tours of the earth for a reasonable fee (as long as you have the proper permits). Clearly, I have finally found both the perfect power and the ideal career.